
Welcome to Physical Education at L.S.S!

Our department members are:

  • Mr. Kardos (PHE Department Head)

  • Mr. Mahil

  • Ms. Myette

  • Mr. Sheppard  (Athletic Director)

  • Mr. Wyse


If you are interested in playing on a sports team at LSS please visit the Athletics page



Field Trip Forms

Field Trip Medical Form

Course Outlines:

Physical Education 9

Physical Education 10

Physical Education 11-12

Strength and Conditioning 9

Strength and Conditioning 9-12


Gym Class Hero Criteria

PE Skills Rubric

Daily Participation Rubric

Please see the Course Guide for more details about our courses.

Langley Secondary School

21405 - 56 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2N1
Phone: 604-534-4171
Fax: 604-534-9518