FOCUS School Based Team Intake FOCUS Intake School Based Team Referee Filling Out Form* First Last Role within School*SBT Administrator First Last SBT Counsellor First Last SBT Resource Teacher First Last Current School*Student Being Referred* First Last Aboriginal Ancestry?* Yes NoDate of Birth (Month - Day - Year)*Current Grade*Is the student designated? If so, please list below:Parent/Guardian's Name*Parent/Guardian Contact Number*Parent/Guardian Email* Parent is aware of FOCUS referral?* Yes NoReasons for potential placement in the Focus Program*Please list the adults who are supporting/connected to this studentDoes the student struggle with attendance? Explain.Will this student need any specific parameters/guidelines in place before entry to the program to ensure the likelihood of success? Explain.Courses Completed English9 English 10 English 11 English 12 Career Life Education 10 Career Life Connects 12 Capstone Science 9 Science 10 Any Science 11 Social Studies 9 Social Studies 10 Any Social Studies 12 Mathematics 9 Workplace Math 10 Workplace Math 11 Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10 Foundations Math 11 Pre-Calculus Math 11 Physical and Health Education 10Key Support Information IEP/Psych Ed Report Safety Plan Positive Behaviour Support Plan VTRA(s) Attended Project Resiliency History of self-harm (any suicide ideation, attempts, extreme high risk behaviour, etc...) History of harming others (any violence towards others, threats of violence, aggressive conduct, etc...) History of weapons. History of drug use/abuse. Requesting Administrator phone call prior to enrolmentAny Additional Information (e.g designation, pertinent IEP info, triggers, diagnosis etc)